I’ve had issues at previous jobs where bosses hit on me. As any woman can appreciate, depending on the guy and his aggressiveness, it can get very annoying. Plus, when it’s your boss, it makes it even more uncomfortable.
Not too long ago, I started a new job. Typical situation…horny boss looking at me, sizing me up and down, staring at my chest and acting very flirtatious. For anyone reading this, I want to be clear that I never encourage this behavior and I don’t have a problem shutting it down. This boss has been a little more persistent though. It started out where he would text me very late at night with work questions (I suspect he was just seeing if I was awake and if I would respond). Then the texts started to become a little more personal, almost like Q&A style. I have not engaged him, but he kept sending messages and asking questions. Eventually, the questions became sexual in nature, so I told him to stop. He said he would, but didn’t.
As it turned out, the boss was going through some marital troubles and had been talking about separating from his wife. So she got nosy and decided to go through is cell phone and read his texts. She saw all of his texts to me. Now, I could argue that she should be mad at him, because he was the aggressor and I wasn’t responding. But no, she was upset at me. Typical married couple drama…he acts out but she doesn’t get mad at him.
So what did she do – his wife came to our office and started screaming in the lobby about me and that her husband was in love with me. She then demanded to see the President of the company and asked for me to be fired. Of course the President had no idea what was going on and apparently was mortified by this woman’s temper tantrum in the lobby.
The sad thing is that I thought I’d have all the leverage here and that they’d fire my boss. Nope. They fired me. Now I’m out of a job and of course the boss still texts me his dirty thoughts every day.
Submitted by Ang